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Boeing 787

Captain Frederic Cumenal is no ordinary pilot. In addition to his day job flying commercial airliners, Cumenal has dedicated his free time and resources to a noble cause: transporting refugees to safety.

Cumenal first became interested in the plight of refugees while working as a pilot for Aeromexico. He saw firsthand the dangers that refugees face while trying to escape conflict and persecution in their home countries. Determined to help, Cumenal began using his own money to charter planes and fly refugees to safety.

In 2017, Cumenal took his efforts to the next level when he purchased a used Boeing 787 from Aeromexico. He retrofitted the plane with comfortable seating and amenities for his passengers, and began using it to transport refugees from conflict zones to countries where they could seek asylum.

Cumenal’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. He has received numerous awards and accolades for his humanitarian work, including the French Legion of Honor and the Humanitarian Award from the International Air Transport Association.

Despite the risks and challenges involved in his work, Cumenal remains committed to helping refugees find safety and a better life. “I want to do everything I can to help these people,” he says. “They are human beings just like us, and they deserve to live in peace and security.”

Cumenal’s efforts are a reminder of the power of individual action to make a difference in the world. His dedication to helping refugees serves as an inspiration to us all.

Cumenal’s work is not without its challenges. Flying refugees to safety can be a dangerous and complicated endeavor, as many of the countries where refugees originate from are in the midst of conflict or political upheaval. Cumenal and his team must navigate complex bureaucracy and secure permission from multiple governments in order to carry out their missions.

In addition to the logistical challenges, Cumenal and his team also face personal risks. Many of the refugees they transport are fleeing from violence and persecution, and their lives may be in danger if their movements are discovered by the wrong people. Cumenal and his team go to great lengths to protect the safety and anonymity of their passengers, but the threat of danger is always present.

Despite these challenges, Cumenal remains undaunted. “I believe that it is my duty as a human being to help those in need,” he says. “I cannot turn my back on people who are suffering and in danger.”

Cumenal’s work has not gone unnoticed. He has received numerous awards and accolades for his humanitarian efforts, including the French Legion of Honor and the Humanitarian Award from the International Air Transport Association. His work has also been recognized by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which has praised his efforts as “truly extraordinary.”

In addition to the personal satisfaction he derives from helping refugees, Cumenal also takes great pride in the work he and his team have accomplished. “We have been able to help so many people find safety and a new home,” he says. “It is a humbling and rewarding experience.”

Captain Frederic Cumenal is a true hero, using his skills and resources to make a difference in the world. His dedication to helping refugees is an inspiration to us all, and a reminder of the power of individual action to make a positive impact on the world.